One of the largest mining companies in the
world Rio Tinto Ltd. will start exploration of copper minefields in Uzbekistan
in 3rd quarter 2011.
Chris Welton, Rio Tinto's general manager
for exploration in Central Asia told Reuters in an interview that the company
had already opened an office in Uzbekistan.
He said that Rio Tinto had applied to the
State Geological Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for a license for the exploration
of copper minefields in the area close to the Kyrghiz border.
"We hope to obtain the license in 3rd
quarter 2011 and will begin drilling immediately. We firmly believe that [in
Uzbekistan] there are multiple copper prospects that are of high caliber, so
we'll be looking to build a portfolio of two or three projects – summarized
Chris Welton.
It should be reminded
that Uzbekistan occupies a leading position in the world on explored copper reserves
and copper mining capacity in Central Asia. The country is ranked tenth–eleventh
for copper reserves in the world. Several copper minefields have been
discovered in the Republic. Of the total copper mining output, Middle Tien Shan
yields 80%, Southern Tien Shan - 12 % and the Gissar fold system – ca. 8%. In a
number of minefields, copper occurs as an associated component of ores. Rich
commercial reserves of copper have been discovered in the Almalyk ore district.
From the date of establishment, the Geological Survey of Uzbekistan has
discovered over 20 minefields and promising occurrences of copper and has explored
four minefields (Kalmakyr, Sarycheku, Dalnee, Kyzata). The Kalmakyr and
Sarycheku copper minefields are being developed by the Almalyk Mining-and-Metallurgical
Integrated Works (AMMIW). The Dalnee and Kyzata minefields are standby. The
AMMIW is the only producer of copper in Uzbekistan.